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History of Sentinels

What we are

A group of women consecrated to the Holy Family, linked by the Rosary and meditating on a different Mystery each month.

  • the Pope,
  • priests and consecrated women,
  • vocations,
  • families
  • evangelization.
Our prayer

The Shared Rosary

Each Sentinel meditates on a Mystery of Christ's life for one month, reciting her "ten rosary ", (she can say more if she likes). The following month, she moves on to the next Mystery. The distribution of the Mysteries is governed by a program that ensures that, all together, we form several rosaries. Each Sentinel receives her first Mystery when she registers, and the following months the Mysteries that will enable her to revisit the life of Christ.

Discover the rosary prayer

The Foundation

On May 28, 2013 in Brussels a dozen women gathered at Aude Carré's home in response to this invitation: " it's time to get to work to pass on around us the Love, Tenderness and infinite Mercy of our Lord for everyone, as our Pope Francis invites us to do in his book, Seul l'amour nous sauvera : There is an urgent need to think anew, to bring something new, to knead life with the new leaven of justice and holiness (1 Cor 5:8).

At this meeting we decided to share the daily recitation of the Rosary: each would meditate on one mystery for a month. There were ten of us, and we just needed to find ten other women to cover the 20 Mysteries of Jesus' life.

We soon realized that we were destined to be much larger than twenty, as more and more people wanted to join us, simply by word of mouth. We understood that this project was prompted by the Virgin Mary: it went beyond what we had imagined, and needed to be taken seriously as we listened to what the Spirit would inspire in us.

We then called on various priests to accompany us spiritually. Brother Daniel Marie, a Conventual Franciscan, was the only one to accept our invitation. This seemed providential, as it was at the Convent of St. Anthony, in his church, that some of us had met and had had the idea of setting out to pray.

Five of us (Aude, Charlotte, Béatrice, Mariangela and Martine) followed in Mary's footsteps. This is how the Holy Family Sentinels came into being. The five, who will be named Bethlehem in the statutes, consecrated themselves to the Virgin Mary on June 21, 2013 at the foot of the grotto in the Franciscan convent of St. Anthony, guided by Brother Daniel Marie.

Here is the consecration: " Immaculate Conception, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and most loving Mother to whom God wished to entrust the whole order of mercy, here we are at your feet, sentinels of the Holy Family .

We beg you to accept our entire brotherhood as your property.

Act in us according to your will, in our soul and body, in our life and death and eternity. Above all, dispose of us as you wish, so that what is said of you may finally come true the woman will crush the serpent's head. And also You alone will conquer heresies throughout the world. In your immaculate hands, so rich in mercy, may we become an instrument of your love, capable of reviving and fully opening up so many lukewarm, misguided souls. In this way, the Reign of the Divine Heart of Jesus will extend without end. Your very presence attracts the graces that convert and sanctify souls, since grace flows from the divine Heart of Jesus to all of us through your maternal hands. "

We quickly became very numerous in this call from the Virgin Mary to unite her daughters in a single prayerful fraternity.

In 2021 we dedicated our new consecration to the Holy Family:

Holy Family of Nazareth,
We consecrate ourselves to you
We, Sentinels of the Holy Family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Act in us and through us in the Power of the Spirit,
That our mission may be inspired and fruitful
And that the Father's Mercy
Dwell in the human family.


There have been a thousand sentinels in our 10 years of existence, many in Belgium, but also in France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Colombia, Africa and the West Indies.

Riverkeeper milestones

May 29, 2013

Birth of the Holy Family Sentinels group following a novena to the Holy Spirit prayed between Ascension and Pentecost, and several motions linked to the rebuilding of the Church through prayer, the introduction of Jesus by Mary (the first on the way) in Families (prayer cenacles). The baptismal name of this group, which reflects all these prayers and expectations, is "Sentinelles de la Sainte Famille" (Holy Family Sentinels).

June 8, 2013

We (Aude) had the joy of presenting the Holy Family Sentinels project to Pope Francis, who then sent us his blessing.

September 25, 2013

Statutes drafted by Bethlehem and Brother Daniel Marie, to be read in the light of the "prophetic words" received by the 10 Nazareth Sentinels over the summer.

December 11, 2013

Monsignor Léonard, Archbishop of Malines-Brussels, accepts our invitation to celebrate a mass for the Holy Family Sentinels at the Convent of Saint Anthony. On this occasion, he signs the register of our statutes.

May 31, 2014

First Chapter of the Sentinels at Banneux.

March 12 to 16, 2015

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.

April 2015

Creation of the 1st Etoile in Lille

June 2015

Creation of the first Holy Family Riverkeeper website.

June 2015

Second Chapter of the Holy Family Sentinels in Banneux.

November 24, 2015

Monsignor Léonard celebrates a mass for the Sentinelles de la Sainte Famille at the Couvent Saint Antoine, and takes the opportunity to present his latest book, "L'Eglise au féminin", in connection with our mission as Sentinelles de l'Invisible.

December 14, 2015

Creation of a 2nd Etoile in Luxembourg.

December 14, 2015

December 26, 2015: Prayer sponsorship by Religious women in Belgium. Their message and prayer are reproduced below (Parrainage de prière des Sentinelles par des Religieuses en Belgique du 27 décembre 2015).

December 14, 2015

December 26, 2015: Prayer sponsorship by Religious women in Belgium. Their message and prayer are reproduced below (Parrainage de prière des Sentinelles par des Religieuses en Belgique du 27 décembre 2015).

January 1, 2016

Launch of a software program to send the Mysteries for each Presidium (Mystery illustrated with frescoes by Giotto, Fra Angelico, and the Van Eyck brothers), commented by the words of the Gospel and a meditation written by the Bethlehem Presidia.

February 29, 2016

Nazareth has been thinking about a mission of mercy. We'd like to go and pray with people who are alone, to give meaning back to Life, even at the end of life. Project in progress.

March 15 to 21, 2016

Pilgrimage to Poland in the footsteps of St John Paul II "Let's get up and go", St Maximilian Kolbe "Don't forget Love", and St Faustina "I trust in you Jesus".

March 31, 2016

Attempt to create a 3rd Etoile in Switzerland (ultimately unsuccessful in the long term).

April 29, 2016

By-laws amended to take account of the creation of the Etoiles.

June 11, 2016

Third chapter of the Sentinels in Tiberias, Belgium.
Theme: You are the "Light of the World" and a day under the protection of St Joseph.

October 2016

Nazareth relaunches the idea of a mission of mercy with the Little Sisters of the Poor in Brussels. Participation in Adoration in December and prayer (sentinel decade) shared with residents who can no longer go to chapel in their rooms.

March 30 to April 2, 2017

Pilgrimage to Fatima on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary with our spiritual Father Brother Daniel Marie and Brother Adrian Baciu.

June 17, 2017

Fourth chapter of the Sentinels, from Tiberias to Mary of the Golden Heart, in Beauraing. Theme: Forgiveness.

June 2017

An icon written by Sister Léonie over the past 6 months at Bethlehem's request is presented and blessed at the Chapter of Sentinels. This pilgrim icon, representing the Holy Family, is intended to visit families, especially those suffering from illness. At the end of the Chapter mass, the icon is presented to a Sentinel for her first Visitation.

Fall 2017

Mission to Gare du Nord station to meet migrants. Prayers were shared with rosaries in hand, and comfort was provided by tea/coffee and sweets made by the Riverkeepers.

January 2018

To celebrate 5 years of foundation and to remember all the graces received, a photo album recording all the stages in the life of the prayer group since 2013 has been produced.

June 19, 2018

Street mission "rosary in hand and hand on heart".
Blessed beforehand by young people who had spent a week on mission in the streets of Brussels with the Franciscan friars, a group of Sentinels went out for an afternoon of Adoration in the streets of the city center, meeting people on the sidewalks, shopkeepers and tourists passing through, to witness and share Hope, especially with the most disadvantaged.

June 2018

Fifth chapter of the Sentinels to Our Lady of Justice.
Theme: The Visitation: a heart-to-heart from sister to sister.

July 2018

Foundation of a new Etoile on the banks of the Rance in Brittany in the presence of the icon of the Holy Family.

January 2019

Visit to the Etoile du Luxembourg. The icon of the Holy Family is made available to the Presidia of the Star for families to welcome.

March 2019

Pilgrimage to Lourdes on the theme: Trust "In the shadow of your wings I take shelter". A day with the Cenacolo community, an afternoon with Martine, wife of Tim Guénard, who spoke of love stronger than anything, and a day's walk dedicated to the visionary Saint Bernadette.

May 2019

Bethlehem renewed by a third. Aude and Charlotte leave Bethlehem to pursue other missions, and two new Sentinels co-opted by Bethlehem (Diana and Béatrice de R) join the new Bethlehem.

May 11, 2019

Sixth chapter of the Sentinels at Oostakker in Flanders.
Theme: Sentinel spirituality.

June 12, 2019

8th Chapitre des Sentinelles at the Couvent Saint-Antoine.
Theme: Love of the Trinity on Earth

June 21, 2019

Foundation of a new Etoile in Aix en Provence.

September 27, 2019

Hubert Lobit (ETINCELO group) composes a song for the Sentinelles de la Sainte Famille and dedicates one of the verses to Aude, one of the founders of the prayer group. The song is performed for the first time at a vigil at the convent a few days later, on October 1st. The lyrics are attached.

September 29, 2019

Aude has been called to the Lord after a long and painful illness. We thank her for having known how to listen to the Holy Spirit, for having led us to follow Mary, our prioress, and for having always manifested a perfect joy of living, stronger than anything, even in the midst of illness.

November 4 to 12, 2019

Sentinels' pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Brother Daniel Marie. Inauguration of the Holy Family Banner that accompanies us on the pilgrimage.

January 2020

Creation of the song "Sentinelles" by Claire Bouchadeill and Sister Claudia, who accompanied us as cantors during the Chapter in Lourdes and the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

June 6, 2020

Chapitre des Sentinelles: at the Franciscan convent in Brussels.
Theme: "You are called my preference" Is. 62

Since April 2020

The monthly Adorations Louangeuses are broadcast by video. You can find them on our YouTube channel and podcast them.

November 2020

The World Sentinel Congress originally scheduled for this year has been postponed to November 12-13-14, 2021 due to the pandemic.

January 2021

Drafting of a new Consecration to the Holy Family on January 6, feast of the Epiphany, and a Solemn Act of Foundation for the Stars on January 19.

January 27, 2021

Foundation of a Tarbes-Lourdes star.

November 12, 13, 14, 2021

The 1st International Sentinel Congress on November 12-13-14, 2021

January 23, 2022

Foundation of a star in Paris

January 2022

Visit and revival of the Etoile de Lille

June 11, 2022

9th Chapter of the Sentinels at the Beatitudes
Theme: Receive the blessing: inheritance and transmission

June 11, 2022

Fondation de l'Etoile de Sarreguemines

November 2022

Second International Presidium Congress on the theme of women, preached by Franciscan Sister Brune-Marie and Brother Daniel-Marie.

June 10, 2023

10th Sentinel Chapter in Tiberias.
Theme: Towards the Glorious Cross (15 metres high, designed by Brother Marc of the Fraternité de Tibériade)
"Return to the Lord your God, for he is loving and merciful.

June 2023

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Presidia, Monsignor Joseph de Kesel, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Malines-Brussels, receives Betlhéem in Malines to bless the Presidia and countersign their statutes.

June 21, 2023

10 years of Les Sentinelles celebrated at the convent on November 11, 2023.
The Holy Family theme: Take stock of the past through Mary, who kept all these things in her heart. In the present, rely on St. Joseph to help us grow and go on mission with Jesus in the future.

December 8, 2023

Editing of a collection Chemin de croix : Jésus et les femmes (Frere Daniel Marie, Béatrice Le Hodey and Martine Cros), based on the testimonies of sentinels, to revisit the Way of the Cross in the footsteps of Christ, while proclaiming the love of God the Savior.

January 11, 2024

Private Audience with Pope Francis, who receives a delegation of 30 Holy Family Sentinels.

June 1, 2024

Sentinels' chapter in Tiberias

October 6 to 11, 2024

Pilgrimage to Assisi