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Pélé in Assisi

october 6 to 11, 2024


May 17, 2025

June 1, 2024

Papal Audience

Collection: Way of the Cross

Dates: 22/10 - 26/11 - 18/12 - 28/01 - 25/02 - 25/03 - 22/04 - 27/05 - 24/06

 8 p.m. to 6.30 a.m. 


Couvent St Antoine, rue d'Artois, 1000 Brussels
register on WA
from Sonia +32 487 639877
or Elena + 39 339 5890768

Dear Sister Sentinel of the Holy Family,

We invite you once a month to nocturnal adoration, which will take place on the dates and at the times shown in red above, in the chapel of St. Anthony's Convent.

This worship project is a response to and fruit of our last chapter on June 6.

To be a Sentinel is to be watchful, to keep watch in prayer, with tenderness, listening to the cry of humanity and bringing it to God.
Vigilant in prayer, with faith and charity, persevering in hope.
To take part, you need to sign up for an adoration slot.

Adoring sentinels will be welcomed from 8pm to 9pm. Adoration will begin at 8:30pm. Afterwards, the gate will be closed until 6:30 a.m. to avoid the noise of the slamming gate and to be even closer to the Heart of Jesus.
For the night, you'll be able to rest in the crypt. It's spartan, so bring a small mattress, your sleeping bag and whatever else you need. (There will be hot tea and cookies on site).
Adoration will be silent, with neither brothers nor confessions, but a heart-to-heart with the Lord in the silence of the night.
In the morning, from 6.30 am, you can either leave or join the convent services.

We'll give you the final details once you've joined the WA group we're about to set up.

We also invite you to join us for daytime worship on Fridays, once a month at lunchtime. Find out more about the dates below. A time to praise, intercede, prophesy, edify, adore and pray your ten with our sentinel sisters, accompanied by our sentinel team Isabelle (guitar), Valérie (vocals) and Frère Grégoire (piano). This adoration is followed by a moment of fraternity in front of the convent in Béatrice's workshop to welcome the new sentinels around a cup of tea.

dear sister, that you commit yourself
to this beautiful mission with us!

Sonia and Elena
for the Holy Family Sentinels



Dates: 27/09 - 18/10 - 29/11 - 13/12 - 17/01 - 14/02 - 21/03 - 11/04 - 20/06

 One Friday a month from 1 to 2 p.m.